It has happened to the best of us. A much hyped face cream, yielding zero effects. An expensive treatment, resulting in damage to our bank account, and little more. What is good for us and what is not? How to get results without resorting to extreme measures, such as plastic surgery? Enter Dr.Raffaele Siniscalco, an Italian doctor that has made custom-made beauty and “no-knife” techniques his life mission. A pioneer in his field and one of most recognized specialist in aesthetic medicine in Europe, Siniscalco, the founder of Simed, a wellness group with several centers in Italy, operates from his sleek studio in the center of Rome, offering the most advanced techniques. Starting with a DNA test, to determine how each patient’s skin is going to age, in order to create a personalized program, to fight, or even reverse, the aging process; through the prescription of a personalized diet, dietary supplements, specific cosmetics (the studio features a Beauty Coach), but especially a range of procedures. The secret weapon? “The grafting of stem cells, the ultimate in aesthetic medicine, that still very few doctors in the world perform“, tells us Siniscalco. “Once extracted, the stem cells can be kept for 25-30 years; they are a sort of insurance against aging. As well as the Fiber Optic Endo Laser, a laser also rarely used due to the high level of preparation required in the operator, that allows one to realize a facelift without surgery. Or infiltrations of high density, high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, that re-absorbs slowly: the results last about a year and a half. We also use radiofrequency, fractional lasers, ablative and non-ablative, infrared, plasma light, and the best technology has to offer”. All custom-prescribed, of course, depending on the DNA test finds. “Thanks to genetic engineering, if the patient starts young, aging can be prevented.” concludes Siniscalco. An amazing promise worth testing.

Dottor Raffaele Siniscalco

Medico Chirurgo
Medicina Estetica – Chirurgia Estetica
Simed centri di medicina estetica
Viale Mazzini, 142
00195 – Roma
Tel.: 06.3722244
Fax: 06.3728295